
Indianapolis Heating and Cooling Blog


By: Brian Schutt  |  August 21, 2023

Revised 2023 As extreme winter weather is predicted, this questions is an important one to consider as a homeowner. Should I cover my air conditioner during the winter? We explore below    If you’re anything like I was 18 months ago, you have no clue about your hvac system apart from your thermostat.  I’ve learned...
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3 Tests for an Air Conditioner Freon Leak

By: Brian Schutt  |  August 20, 2023
3 Tests for an Air Conditioner Freon Leak3 Tests for an Air Conditioner Freon Leak

Updated on 8/17/2023 On January 1, 2020 Freon, or R-22 refrigerant, was banned from being manufactured by The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) because it damaged the ozone layer. R-22 was used in nearly all cooling devices at the time of the ban, so it was eliminated with a step-by-step phase-out. An air conditioner freon leak...
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How Much Does a Furnace Replacement Cost?

By: Brian Schutt  |  August 19, 2023
How Much Does a Furnace Replacement Cost?How Much Does a Furnace Replacement Cost?

Updated Fall of 2023 As the combination of tariffs, manufacturing and materials impacts due to Covid, inflationary wage pressures increasing labor costs, we have revised the anticipated replacement costs for new furnaces and heating equipment below. These prices are meant to give a concept to pricing expectations, so you can be a more discerning shopper....
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Furnace Leaking Water: What Causes It During the Summer?

By: Brian Schutt  |  August 18, 2023
Furnace Leaking Water: What Causes It During the Summer?Furnace Leaking Water: What Causes It During the Summer?

Updated on 8/17/2023 Is your furnace leaking water? Don’t panic! This article will help you understand what causes water to be found around your furnace during the summer and how to troubleshoot the issue. What Does It Mean If My Furnace is Leaking Water? During normal operation, your air conditioner produces a significant amount of...
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Serving Property Managers Across Central Indiana

By: Brian Schutt  |  August 16, 2023

In the heart of Central Indiana, property managers juggle a multitude of tasks, ensuring the wellbeing of tenants and the structural health of buildings. One of the most critical components of any property, especially given Indiana’s diverse seasons, is the heating and cooling system. And for many property managers in the region, HVAC is a...
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What Should I Do When The HVAC Freon is Low in My Air Conditioner?

By: Brian Schutt  |  August 15, 2023
What Should I Do When The HVAC Freon is Low in My Air Conditioner?What Should I Do When The HVAC Freon is Low in My Air Conditioner?

Updated Summer 2023 Freon (R22) has been phased out of being manufactured since 2010, and finally banned in 2020. Air Conditioning Systems are still functioning with the same principles of heat transfer, but now use primarily R410a refrigerant (in residential HVAC systems) While the freon reference in this post is dated, the process is still...
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When is the Right Time to Replace a Ductless Mini Split HVAC System in Indianapolis?

By: Brian Schutt  |  August 5, 2023

Indianapolis homeowners often enjoy the comfort and convenience that ductless mini-split HVAC systems bring to their living spaces. These efficient and versatile systems provide both heating and cooling capabilities, making them a popular choice for many households in Indianapolis. However, like any appliance, ductless mini-splits have a limited lifespan, and knowing when to replace them...
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What to do With a Frozen AC Coil

By: Brian Schutt  |  August 3, 2023

When you have a frozen coil, take these important steps… As the heat of summer accelerates, so do common air conditioning repairs. Indiana summers can mean your system working against 90 degree weather. This type of weather has a knack for showing the problems within a system quickly leading to costly ac repairs. One of...
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Homesense Refer and Give Program Helps Local Charities

By: Brian Schutt  |  August 2, 2023

Referrals are the lifeblood of any local business. At Homesense, we’ve been blessed by the good will of happy customers since our founding in 2009. As a way to say thank you, while living out our Heart of Homesense ideal of “Care for the Community“, we launch our Refer and Give program in May. Happy...
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IAQ (indoor air quality) is an important part of your home’s health

By: Brian Schutt  |  August 1, 2023

IAQ (indoor air quality) is an increasingly hot topic as homeowners consider the health of their home. Post-pandemic, many people are also spending more time working from home. This means making the home safe and healthy is top of mind for everyone. While it’s showing up in the news and culture more, IAQ is something...
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