
Indianapolis Heating and Cooling Blog

Growing a Brand Essence of Trust

By: Brian Schutt  |  December 17, 2009

Talking to my good friend Nila Nealy from TwentyTwo this morning, I was reminded why there are so few great brands. In just a few minutes of conversation, we identified multiple layers of adoption that are required for a brand to be lived out by an organization. The more people a company has, the more...
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You Play To Win The Game

By: Brian Schutt  |  December 14, 2009

“You play to win the game. Hello? You play to win the game!” – Herman Edwards You’ve won all your games, clinched home field advantage throughout the playoffs, and technically have no benefit to gain from winning any additional games. We all know by now that this is the predicament faced by the Indianapolis Colts,...
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Building a Brand in a Commodity Business

By: Brian Schutt  |  December 11, 2009

While there are hundreds of heating and air conditioning equipment brands out there, most are manufactured by three companies and have different logos slapped on the side of the equipment. So, local install/service companies generally decide what type of company they want to be by what product they work with. You want to be the...
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Customer Service by Aristotle

By: Brian Schutt  |  December 9, 2009

“We are what we repeatedly do, excellence, therefore, is not an act, but a habit.” – Aristotle Practice makes perfect, right? No. Practice makes permanent. Whether it’s Peyton Manning throwing pass, Southwest pilots flying airplanes, or an HVAC tech working with homeowners, the human condition of unconscious habits are dictating the majority of what we’re...
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Heater Efficiency – What’s it Mean?

By: Brian Schutt  |  December 5, 2009

So you’re looking at buying a new furnace (mind that it’s probably about 30 degrees in your house, because your old furnace just died). You didn’t budget the $3 Grand to replace it, you’re looking a the economy and wondering if you’ll still have a paycheck in 2010, and every story on TV is about...
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Customer Service – She’s Just Not My Type

By: Brian Schutt  |  November 23, 2009

What’s good customer service look like? We’ve asked ourselves that question a lot since starting homesense. We’ve asked a lot of other people too. In some ways, it’s like asking what type of person are you attracted to, in that everyone has their own preferences. As comedian Mitch Hedberg said, “You can’t please all the...
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