
DOE Orders AeroSys Remove Products from Market

By: Brian Schutt  |  April 2, 2010

Marking the first time the Department of Energy has ordered a company or manufacturer to halt production because of a products violation of minimum efficiency standards, AeroSys was told to end production of an air condition and a heat pump earlier this week.

According to the Consumer Affairs article, DOE General Counsel Scott Blake Harris said, “The department ‘will act aggressively to remove any products from the market that are violating national appliance standards. We will continue to take the steps necessary to protect American consumers and the environment from wasteful and inefficient appliances.”

The minimum standard for the air conditioning unit is 10.9 SEER, which stands for Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio. The AeroSys product (THDC-24T) missed the minimum by 8 percent, while the heat pump (THHP-24T) missed by 4 percent.

More news will be sure to come.

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