Homesense Service Technicians Get Heat Exchanger Expert Training

By: Brian Schutt  |  September 27, 2016

Homesense Technicians Now Trained to Address Cracked Heat Exchangers, Which Can Cause Health Issues in Indianapolis Homes


During the winter months, our risk of high carbon monoxide levels in our homes increases, as we use more and more gas appliances that create the odorless gas through a combustion process. And as a result, we run a higher risk of some serious health issues.

We’ve talked in the past about how to diagnose a cracked heat exchanger and shared one customer’s story of a cracked heat exchanger. Simply put, carbon monoxide poisoning is a serious matter. But too many companies use the diagnosis of a cracked heat exchanger to force customers into purchasing a new furnace. We want to always give you the most accurate diagnosis, not the simplest.

This fall, we invested in the quality of your care by sending our entire service team to an all-day training program by industry-leading Heat Exchanger Experts. The class allowed our technicians to personally inspect 50 actual, field-tested heat exchangers–looking at the stress points, fracture zones, and design considerations that must be known in order to properly inspect a furnace.

Why should you care?

As a Homesense client, you can be assured that—whether during a service visit or a preventative maintenance visit—your technician has the industry’s best training to review and test your heat exchangers. We made this investment to increase the peace of mind our clients have when calling our team.

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