As Indianapolis deals with yet another snow shower, it’s hard to fathom it’s time to begin planning for the summer. The Groundhog told us that spring should be here any day, and the Farmers Almanac predicted a “kinder and gentler” winter, so basically don’t trust anyone’s prediction as we look forward to summer. Not even Indiana’s most trusted weatherman can predict how hot it’ll be this summer. One thing’s for certain, in Indianapolis we use our air conditioner, and we use it a lot.
So, while snow is on the ground, we encourage home owners to get out their calendar and plan their spring HVAC Maintenance. What’s a spring HVAC maintenance entail? Primarily, your technician will be getting your air conditioning condenser and coil prepared for summer. Your condenser’s been getting snowed on all winter, so they will perform tests to make sure it’s running correctly. But it just begins there.
It’s always a good idea to check on your HVAC technician to ensure that work defined in your agreement is actually being done. At Homesense Heating | Cooling, we take pride in our work, and want to see your air conditioning equipment have a long life.
Other items on our checklist include:
? Checking thermostat
? Checking or replace filter
? Checking for temperature drop
? Cleaning condenser coil
? Checking and adjusting air flow
? Checking electrical connections
? Checking amp and volt draw on motors
? Check refrigerant charge
? Lubricating moving parts
? Checking condenser drain
? Checking all capacitors
? Looking for refrigerant leaks
? Checking disconnect power box
Don’t wait until you’re already using your HVAC system to get it serviced by a quality technician. Air conditioner maintenance, like servicing your car, getting a physical, or any other activity involving maintenance, is meant to proactively prevent catastrophic issues from taking place.
Give us a call at 317-203-8149 or email me at to schedule you spring HVAC maintenance now!