List Of 4 Productive Things To Do On A Snow Day

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A List Of 4 Productive Things To Do On A Snow Day

By: Brian Schutt  |  March 25, 2013

It’s March 25, so why wouldn’t we be writing about snow day activities? While cold weather can be great for our business, like the rest of Indianapolis we’re quite ready for spring. But with so many schools closed and the roads insufferable, we imagine many of our loyal readers are home. You have a choice to make, act like it’s a 3 day weekend and sit on the couch, or recognize this as an opportunity to get some things checked off your to do list and finish off March strong. While I empathize with the former, I’ll choose to encourage the latter.

Here’s a quick list of things to knock out today — make it happen.

1) Taxes. Did I mentioned it’s March 25? That pile of receipts you need to organize, those miles you didn’t get reimbursed for, the charitable contributions… today’s the day. Get the calculator out, login to TurboTax, and knock it out. It could be a tedious 3 hours, but just think how nice watching the Sweet 16 next weekend will be without that hanging over your head.

2) Transition your closet to spring. A mantra around my house is simplification. One of the ways I like to do that is to put away clothes that are out of season. While this may be loaded with unfounded optimism, the weather has to eventually change, right. Al Gore can’t be completely wrong about climate change, so the heat will be here eventually – get your closet ready.

snow on air conditioner3) Spring Cleaning Prep. Sure, it’s not like opening up your windows and doing the full top to bottom wash of your home – that’s a few weeks away. But, you can get your home ready for the big clean by doing a few simple things. Those blankets you’ve had in the family room – wash them. The papers that have accumulated at your desk – go through them and toss the trash. Those clothes that are Goodwill ready, bag them. Get your place streamlined, so when that sunny Saturday comes, spring cleaning will be a breeze.

4) Equipment Maintenance. This is a heating and cooling company blog after all. We know from experience your appliances are last on any checklist, but are often the most expensive things to ignore. When is the last time you changed your furnace filter? Not only will it keep your system running well, it can keep your bodies running well. How about clean your fridge or dishwasher? Do you know draining your hot water heater can improve it’s functionality and potentially add years to it’s life? If you bring in professionals to do preventative maintenance, reach out to get on their schedule. If you need a professional, give us a call to talk about our spring tune-up special.

Spend time on any one of these 4 things and you’ll feel better about today, making the rest of the week better. Sure, it’s not as fun as watching Victor Oladipo’s game winning shot 200 times, or Michael Strahan oddly host a morning show with Kelly Ripa, but it’ll have more lasting value I promise you.

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