Good Questions to ask before your Furnace Installation + A Customer Story

By: Brian Schutt  |  February 20, 2024

We have a lot of smart customers at Homesense. This isn’t just brown-nosing. It’s the truth.  Most of our customers call us knowing exactly what they expect from their HVAC provider, having researched the internet, consulted friends and family, and read reviews and testimonials of other customers.

We love it when our customers have done the research because they ask great questions. With informed customers asking great questions, we are able to walk through some of the significant differentiators with our customers.

One such story happened in a conversation this week while talking to a customer about a potential furnace installation. He had done his research and knew that while there are many brands at different levels of quality, more than anything else, it is the quality of installation that determines the long-term performance of the equipment. That bears repeating. More than anything else, a quality installation is going to determine how long your equipment will last.

We love to hear questions like that because it is one of the main factors within our recruitment of technicians. While most companies put their most rookie technicians on their installation teams, at Homesense, we have seasoned service technicians working in all facets of the HVAC cycle, including installation. An experienced technician doing your furnace installation means higher quality control, fewer issues through the life of your equipment, allowing it to last longer, leaving more money in your pocket.

But that isn’t the only question you should ask; here are some other excellent questions to ask before a furnace installation. 

How Large should the furnace be? 

Many contractors will replace your furnace with a new unit with the same capacity or estimate the best size furnace for your home. Either of these methods can easily make the new furnace too big, which wastes energy and costs more money, or too small, which doesn’t heat your home well. Systems that are too large or too small often break down sooner.

The size of a furnace is based on how much heat it can produce in an hour, as measured in BTUs, or British thermal units. A BTU is the energy required to heat a pound of water by one degree Fahrenheit. The higher the BTU rating a furnace has, the more warmth it can provide. 

Many factors go into calculating the type and size of Furnace you may need in your home, but if you want to have an approximate estimate, here is a BTU Calculator to give you a good starting point. The best thing about Homesense is that we’ve got so much experience with heating systems that we can assist you in choosing the right furnace for your home. 

What are the best HVAC accessories that add value? 

One of the best accessories that can add value is air purifying devices, especially in today’s climate. One of those devices is iWave, an air-purifying device that is installed in any ducted air system. 

When air passes over the iWave, ions produced by the device reduce pathogens, allergens, particles, smoke, and odors in the air, creating a healthy environment without producing any harmful byproducts. 

Is Maintenance necessary? 

The Homesense Preventative Maintenance Program helps you feel comfortable—in your home and in your mind. It provides that peace of mind that your entire heating and air conditioning system will be running smoothly to give you these feelings of comfort every day of the year.

Regular maintenance is necessary even for brand new heating systems. After you have your new furnace installed, check the air filter once per month and replace it when it gets dirty or at least every three months. A professional should inspect your furnace once per year to prevent inconvenient breakdowns, keep your indoor air quality high, and make sure your family stays comfortable. Moreover, neglecting maintenance could shorten your HVAC system’s life. Almost as importantly, letting service lapse can cause your equipment’s warranty to be voided. 

So, if you’ve found us while doing your research, keep it up. When you’re comfortable with the direction you want to go, or have a question for us, give us a call at 317-203-8149, or schedule an appointment.

Call Us: 317-203-8149   

We’re ready for your questions! 

Posted in: Case Studies

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