Central A/C Repair in Indianapolis

By: Brian Schutt  |  April 15, 2012

When your central air conditioner goes out in Indianapolis, it’s rarely on a mild day when you can open up the windows.  It’s more likely to be 90 degrees and 95% humidity, and A/C’s across the city are all going out.


What that means is that getting a technician out quickly will cost you more, and that you’re at risk of them cutting corners in your diagnostic.  In addition, many of the big companies know that you’ll do whatever it takes to get your air conditioner working again.  Don’t think a tech, who’s incentivized to sell, won’t push you into decision that might not be the most advantageous to you.  It happens every day.  We, unfortunately, only hear about many of these ethical lapses after the fact.  Don’t pay exorbitant prices, for things that may or may not be the right solution.

At Homesense we talk about trust, because it’s in these extreme circumstances where integrity matters most.

What we promise to our customers when they call us on extremely hot days is:

1) A fair price.

2) Timely service.

3) Highest integrity in each step of the process.

If you find yourself in a hot house, and are looking for a heating and cooling company in Indianapolis that you can trust, please consider calling us at Homesense Heating | Cooling at 317-203-8149.


Posted in: Air Conditioning

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