
HVAC Indianapolis Archive

Gas Furnace to Electric Heat Conversion in the Indianapolis Area

By: Brian Schutt  |  December 6, 2023

As the trend towards sustainable and energy-efficient home heating grows along with significant tax incentives in 2023, many Indianapolis residents are considering the transition from traditional gas furnaces to electric heat. Gas furnace to electric heat conversion in the Indianapolis is not just about switching appliances; it’s a commitment to efficiency, environmental responsibility, and potentially,...
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Furnace Care Tips for Indianapolis This Fall

By: Brian Schutt  |  November 9, 2023
furnace maintenancefurnace maintenance

As the vibrant foliage of fall blankets Indianapolis, it’s crucial for homeowners to turn their attention to their furnaces. After a long, warm summer, your heating system may need some TLC to ensure it functions smoothly during the colder months. Here are the most common furnace issues you might encounter in Indianapolis this fall and...
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Signs Your Furnace Needs Repair

By: Brian Schutt  |  October 30, 2023

As fall weather brings the cold to Indianapolis, a dependable furnace is essential over the coming months. Ensuring your furnace is in top shape not only guarantees warmth but can also prevent costly repairs down the road. Wondering if your furnace might be signaling a repair call? We’ve put together a list of 10 things...
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Battling Seasonal Allergies: Close Windows and Run the Furnace Fan

By: Brian Schutt  |  October 9, 2023

As the seasons change, many individuals find themselves grappling with uncomfortable allergy symptoms. From a runny nose and sneezing to itchy eyes and a sore throat, seasonal allergies can wreak havoc on your wellbeing. One often overlooked strategy for alleviating these symptoms is by keeping your windows closed and running your furnace fan. This may...
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Your Guide to Buying a Furnace in Indianapolis

By: Brian Schutt  |  September 19, 2023

Revised: Fall 2023 While it’s technically still summer, the fall weather is here. And while it may not feel cold like the winter yet, you know those days are coming — they always do in the Indianapolis area. If you know you’ll be in the market for replacing your furnace this year — or if...
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Why Does My New HVAC System Cost So Much?

By: Brian Schutt  |  September 13, 2023

In the last few years, homeowners have noticed a significant increase in the costs associated with heating and cooling. The area most impacted has been new HVAC units, causing many homeowners to have sticker shock when installing new air conditioners and furnaces. As the provider of these estimates, we can assure you the price increases...
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The Sales Technician Model in HVAC: A Caution for Homeowners

By: Brian Schutt  |  September 11, 2023

The HVAC industry, like many others, is constantly evolving to adapt to new technological advancements, market demands, and business models. One such trend that’s gained momentum is when HVAC companies employ sales technicians. While it might sound like an innovative solution — combining the technical expertise of a technician with the sales skills of a...
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By: Brian Schutt  |  August 21, 2023

Revised 2023 As extreme winter weather is predicted, this questions is an important one to consider as a homeowner. Should I cover my air conditioner during the winter? We explore below    If you’re anything like I was 18 months ago, you have no clue about your hvac system apart from your thermostat.  I’ve learned...
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3 Tests for an Air Conditioner Freon Leak

By: Brian Schutt  |  August 20, 2023
3 Tests for an Air Conditioner Freon Leak3 Tests for an Air Conditioner Freon Leak

Updated on 8/17/2023 On January 1, 2020 Freon, or R-22 refrigerant, was banned from being manufactured by The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) because it damaged the ozone layer. R-22 was used in nearly all cooling devices at the time of the ban, so it was eliminated with a step-by-step phase-out. An air conditioner freon leak...
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How Much Does a Furnace Replacement Cost?

By: Brian Schutt  |  August 19, 2023
How Much Does a Furnace Replacement Cost?How Much Does a Furnace Replacement Cost?

Updated Fall of 2023 As the combination of tariffs, manufacturing and materials impacts due to Covid, inflationary wage pressures increasing labor costs, we have revised the anticipated replacement costs for new furnaces and heating equipment below. These prices are meant to give a concept to pricing expectations, so you can be a more discerning shopper....
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