
HVAC Indianapolis Archive

Preparing for the Next Round of Cold – Homesense Talks to WTHR 13

By: Brian Schutt  |  January 15, 2018
interview | Homesenseinterview | Homesense

As winter weather continues, we spoke with Matt McCutcheon of WTHR-13 about some of the big things to remember to keep your furnace working on the coldest January days: Airflow matters. Change your filter early and often. Even if you’ve changed it recently, if you have airflow issues, you’ll quickly have furnace issues. Adjust expectations....
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Top Rated Heating And Cooling Company in Indianapolis

By: Brian Schutt  |  December 15, 2017
banner | Homesensebanner | Homesense

At Homesense, we believe in creating a refreshingly different customer experience in Indianapolis area heating and cooling. While our belief and commitment to that is fantastic, we know that it means very little unless our customers also believe we are executing on that promise. Across all venues, we believe Homesense stacks up above all competition...
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Channel 6: How to Avoid Air Conditioner Repair Rip Offs

By: Brian Schutt  |  July 19, 2017
Channel 6: How to Avoid Air Conditioner Repair Rip OffsChannel 6: How to Avoid Air Conditioner Repair Rip Offs

Watch the video or read the transcript below from the Channel 6 story on how to avoid air conditioner repair rip offs in Indianapolis. ROCKY RIPPLE, Ind. — Steamy summer weather is the busiest time of year for air conditioning companies, but you can end up paying a lot more money than you need to...
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What If I’m Told I Have Mold in Air Conditioner or Furnace?

By: Brian Schutt  |  May 1, 2017
What If I'm Told I Have Mold in Air Conditioner or Furnace?What If I'm Told I Have Mold in Air Conditioner or Furnace?

Updated on 07/02/2019 Mold in your air conditioner is very prevalent in homes, but diagnosing it and determining if its harmful can only be done by experts. It’s common to find mold in your air conditioner or furnace. Your furnace and evaporator coil have all the components necessary for things like mold to develop. Primarily...
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What’s the Best Time to Get My Air Conditioner Serviced?

By: Brian Schutt  |  March 23, 2017
indianapolis HVAC company | Homesenseindianapolis HVAC company | Homesense

Proactive Homeowners Get Their A/C Serviced to Prevent Failures on the Hottest Days of Summer, But What’s the Best Time to Have Preventative Maintenance Done? At Homesense we believe an Ounce of Prevention is Worth a Pound of Cure. If you came to us by our homepage, you saw that front and center. Once someone...
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3 Things You Didn’t Know About Your Whole House Humidifier Filter

By: Brian Schutt  |  March 22, 2017
whole house humidifier filterwhole house humidifier filter

Continue reading to see why not changing your Whole House Humidifier Filter can be more detrimental to your furnace than not changing out your air filter. We talk a lot here about the importance of changing out your furnace air filter. But did you know it’s just as important—if not more important—to replace the pad in...
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Homesense Hires Brady Wilson at General Manager to Continue Growth

By: Brian Schutt  |  March 21, 2017
Brady Wilson | HomesenseBrady Wilson | Homesense

Homesense Heating and Cooling Announces Hiring of Growth Focused General Manager After 7 straight years of growing, Homesense is excited to take the next step by hiring Indiana native Brady Wilson as General Manager. Brady brings to Homesense a wealth of experience inside and outside the industry. The Indiana University graduate is stepping into a...
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How Long Do Furnaces Last?

By: Brian Schutt  |  March 15, 2017
how long do furnaces lasthow long do furnaces last

It’s time for a quick history lesson on furnaces in Indianapolis homes. When I was young, my grandpa would tell me stories about installing a gravity furnace—called that because it did not include a fan. Rather, they just relied on the fact that hot air rises to work. The number of parts making up gravity furnaces could be...
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29 Ways We Show Love to Our Preventative Maintenance Customers

By: Brian Schutt  |  February 14, 2017
candy hearts | Homesensecandy hearts | Homesense

The Homesense Preventative Maintenance Program helps you feel good—in your home and in your mind. It’s February 14 — the day that diapered baby flies around, shooting everyone with those heart-shaped arrows. At Homesense, we don’t think love should be confined to just one day. We like to give it out throughout the year. More...
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3 Ways How to Keep House Warm for 6 More Weeks of Winter

By: Brian Schutt  |  February 2, 2017
how to keep house warmhow to keep house warm

Read on to see our three ways to how to keep your house warm for winter — however long that may be. “Winter, slumbering in the open air, wears on its smiling face a dream… of spring.” – Groundhog Day Sadly, the little rodent, Punxsutawney Phil, saw his shadow this morning, meaning we’ll be enduring...
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