
4 Major Reasons Your HVAC System Keeps Running

By: Brian Schutt  |  April 12, 2023

By regulating temperature and humidity, your HVAC system keeps your home comfortable. However, sometimes HVAC systems have problems that result in continuous running. Some of the most common reasons for this include a dirty air filter, thermostat issues, leaky ductwork, and a lack of maintenance.

1. Dirty Air Filter

A dirty air filter can cause your HVAC system to keep running because it restricts the airflow that is necessary for the system to operate efficiently. The air filter is designed to trap dust, dirt, and other particles that can cause damage to the HVAC system. Over time, as the filter becomes clogged with these particles, it becomes harder for air to pass through.

When the air filter is dirty, the HVAC system works harder to pull air through the filter. This can cause the system to run longer than it should as it struggles to maintain the desired temperature. The longer the system runs, the more energy it consumes, leading to higher energy bills. Additionally, a dirty air filter can cause the system to overheat, which can lead to costly repairs.

Regularly changing the air filter is an essential part of HVAC maintenance. It helps to ensure that the system is running efficiently and effectively. Having a clean air filter allows air to pass through easily, reducing the strain on the system and extending its lifespan. It’s recommended that you check your air filter every month and replace it as needed.

2. Thermostat Issues

Since the thermostat is responsible for controlling when the HVAC system turns on and off, thermostat issues can cause your HVAC system to keep running longer than necessary. Here are a few ways thermostat issues can cause this.

Misreading Temperature

If your thermostat is malfunctioning, it may not accurately read the temperature in your home. This can cause it to signal the HVAC system to keep running even if the desired temperature has been reached. As a result, the system may continue to run, using unnecessary energy and increasing your utility bills.


The location of your thermostat can also affect its ability to accurately read the temperature in your home. If it’s placed in a drafty area, near a heat source, or in direct sunlight, it may not be representative of the overall temperature in your residence. This can cause it to signal the HVAC system to keep running even when other parts of your home have reached the desired temperature.

Thermostat Settings

If your thermostat is set to a temperature that is too high or too low, it can cause the HVAC system to keep running longer than necessary. This is because the HVAC system will continue to run until the desired temperature has been reached.

3. Leaky Ductwork

Leaky ductwork allows air to escape from the HVAC system before it reaches the vents in your home. This means that the HVAC system has to work harder to compensate for the lost air as it tries to maintain the desired temperature in your home. The harder the system has to work, the longer it will run, using more energy and increasing your utility bills.

In addition, leaky ductwork can cause uneven airflow throughout your home, which can make some rooms feel too hot or too cold. This can lead to overcompensating in other areas, making the HVAC system run longer than necessary.

Leaky ductwork can also cause your HVAC system to become less efficient, as it makes it harder for the system to cool or heat your home. This can cause unnecessary wear and tear on the system, leading to more frequent breakdowns and repairs.

If you suspect that your ductwork is leaky, it’s important to have it checked by a professional HVAC technician. They can identify the location and extent of the leaks and recommend the appropriate repairs to ensure that your HVAC system is operating at its best. By fixing leaky ductwork, you can help reduce energy consumption, lower your energy bills, and improve the overall comfort of your home.

4. Lack Of Maintenance

Lack of maintenance can cause your HVAC system to keep running longer than necessary because it can lead to issues that affect the efficiency and effectiveness of the system. Dirty coils won’t be able to transfer heat as efficiently. This means that the system will have to work harder to maintain the desired temperature in your home, causing it to run longer than necessary.

If your HVAC system has a refrigerant leak, it can cause the system to work harder to cool your home, leading to longer run times. This can also cause the system to overheat and break down, leading to costly repairs.

Over time, the mechanical components of your HVAC system can wear down or malfunction, leading to reduced efficiency. Regular maintenance can help identify and address these issues before they lead to breakdowns.

By neglecting HVAC maintenance, you’re putting unnecessary strain on your system, which can lead to increased energy consumption and higher energy bills. Regular maintenance, such as cleaning the coils, changing the air filter, and checking for refrigerant leaks, can help ensure that your system is running efficiently and effectively, reducing the risk of breakdowns and extending its lifespan.

At Homesense Heating & Cooling, we can help you troubleshoot why your system keeps running. We offer heating and cooling maintenance, ac repair, and installation as well as air quality solutions, duct cleaning, and home sale inspections to the residents of Indianapolis. Give us a call today to learn more about our services or to schedule a service appointment.

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