3 HVAC Products to Help Your Allergies in Indiana

By: Brian Schutt  |  April 4, 2016

Keep reading to find out more about HVAC products to help your Indiana allergies.

In 2014, the National Resources Development Council released a report, “Sneezing and Wheezing: How Climate Change Could Increase Ragweed Allergies, in which they listed the top Sneeziest and Wheesiest cities for their high ragweed counts and 8-hour ozone exceedance. Indianapolis ranked 32nd worst city in the U.S.

No shock to me. I’m an Indiana native, and I’ve suffered from allergies all my life. Cats, dust, mold, pollen…you name it. If it’s airborne I’m allergic to it. And as a consequence, red eyes, a runny nose, and frequent exits from the dinner table have been what I’ve know of spring since I was a kid.

For your sake, I hope this spring allergy season isn’t as miserable for you as it tends to be for me. But if it is, I promise you that there is hope.

Here are three HVAC products we can install in your home to reduce the affects of springtime allergies here in the greater Indianapolis area. While one of these are silver bullets, they can definitely help.

Air Purifiers

Pure air. The sound of that just makes you breathe better, right? Air purifiers improve the quality of air in your home by using filters to rid impurities—such as pollen, pet dander, pollen, and other allergens—and harmful particles like dust, pollen, soot, smoke, and liquid droplets. They take your standard air filtration system to the next level.

We offer three air purifier models at Homesense, including the award-winning Carrier Infinity Air Purifier – Model GAPA.

Ultraviolet Light

During the heating and cooling process, moisture can develop within the HVAC unit, resulting in new allergens created by the system. Installing an ultraviolet (UV) light near the evaporator coil within the ventilation system can make the space less fertile for mold, bacteria, germs and odors to develop.

The two main types of UV lights on the market for HVAC systems are the air sterilization—which sits within the return air duct and sterilizes air moving through the handler blower—and the coil sterilization—which sterilizes the air handler coil inside the return air duct. Homesense installs both types.

Whole House Dehumidifier

We’ve gone on and on about the need for whole home humidifiers in the winter. We’re just as passionate about the need for whole house dehumidifiers in the spring.

You may be picking up on the theme by now:  moisture equals bad for your allergies. And a whole house dehumidifier can improve both the comfort and air quality in the warmer months by, as the name implies, reducing humidity levels.

Running at low levels, whole house dehumidifiers reduce the likelihood that allergens develop, such as dust mites, mold, and mildew—along with the smells they bring. They can also keep your air conditioning running longer and at optimal capacity by reducing the strain of both cooling your house and removing moisture.

Here are some signs you may be in need of a whole house dehumidifier:

  • Indoor condensation appears on windows and mirrors
  • Your house becomes a breeding ground for insects
  • Wood floors and fixtures begin to warp
  • You experience uncomfortable sweating at normal indoor temperatures
  • Skin and sheets feel sticky in summer
  • Musty smell in basements

Homesense installs three Aprilaire brand dehumidifier units. Find out more about these products in the video below:

As always, give us a call at 317-203-8149 to further discuss any needs with your HVAC equipment or any of these allergy-reducing HVAC products in your home.

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