Air Purifiers available in Indianapolis & Central Indiana

Best whole house air purifiers and air cleaner systems for your home in Central Indiana

iWave Air PurifieriWave Indoor Air Quality

Pollutants, dust, dander, pollen, smoke and even pathogens such as mold, viruses ad bacteria all can be suspended in the air you breathe, even when you don’t see them.  An iWave air purifier installs in your air conditioning system to help clean the air in your living space.  When air passes over the iWave, ions produced by the device reduce pathogens and other airborne particles, creating a healthy environment.

iWave uses patented needlepoint bipolar ionization (NPBI) technology to create equal amounts of positive and negative ions.  When these ions are injected into the air stream, they break down passing pollutants and gases into harmless compounds like oxygen, carbon dioxide, nitrogen and water vapor (see illustration below).

Learn more about the iWave in our review here.


Reme Halo Air PurifierHalo Indoor Air Health | | Homesense Heating and Cooling

The Reme Halo installs seamlessly in the supply plenum in most ducted heating and air conditioning systems. The Reme Halo system produces hydro-peroxide plasma, which occurs naturally in the earth’s atmosphere and is part of nature’s process to clean the air. That plasma charges particulates and pollutants in the air, which causes them to stick together and get caught by the air filter.

• Dual ionizers to reduce airborne particulates (dust, dander, pollen, mold spores)
• Kills up to 99% of bacteria, mold and viruses
• Reduces sneeze germs by 99% in the time a sneeze can reach three feet.
• New zinc ions kill 99% of viruses on surfaces
• Unlike portable units that are limited to the room in which they are placed, the Reme Halo provides whole home and building purification.

Learn more about the Reme Halo in our review here.


Interested in installing an air purifier in your system? Give us a call ((317) 203-8149) or set up an appointment online.

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